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That's A Rap


Sometimes, we get bookings months in advance for people to come and record their project with us..... sometimes we have to move faster!

This week we received a call from some guys who had heard of us and wanted to lay down some vocals to a beat they had produced themselves and it couldn't wait! We took no time in fitting them in for a recording session and mixdown of their track.

On first hearing their beat i was immediately looking forward to getting these vocals recorded and mixed! It was a beat that reminded me of 90's r&b which was a great era of music and i still listen to now when mooching in the studio in the day! The track was already put together but just needed stems and a female vocal mixing to give that crisp hip hop beat sound.

The lads did a fantastic job, all of them very competent in this field with great flow and execution of lyrics which was great for me as these things most definitely need to be on point as the main attraction. They each laid down a section and we moved straight on to the mixdown. The actual stems for the beat were all in line so i just set about eq'ing a few things, compressing a few things and generally polishing up the beat. It was clear that each vocal needed it's own special treatment to blend with this track and when i finished with it everyone was happy with the results including myself.

I hope to see these young lads again and maybe get to do some more work with them as they show real potential in not only their lyrical ability but also the production side of things as the beat they made was pretty sick in my opinion! Good job lads!

Check out the track below!

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