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It's been a mad few years from starting the studio, arranging the PRZ Live roster, forming the management company and seeing where the path will lead... and it has recently opened another door..

Over a year ago now whilst out on a work related awards show in London i was fortunate enough to meet some great guys who worked in music and were very interested in the grass roots scene of music similar to myself. Well we kept in contact and met up to discuss ideas and to generally take an interest in each others roles in the music scene and see what/if anything could benefit from it. Well i am very pleased to say it did and as of July 2017 i was appointed as A&R at Resolution Records, London to help them grow their roster and help to give talented grass roots artists a chance to shine through at a great independent record label. After lots of talks and meet ups i was very excited to be contracted for this role and to see where it leads. With a very well educated team with background at Warner Bros, CMO Mgmt and direct involvement with careers of artists such as Plan B and N Dubz it is a great opportunity to further my skills in the industry.

With the studio now firmly established in Hertfordshire and further afield and my role in artist development with Krucial Management constantly facing new challenges it was a perfect way to hone skills in a different area which will be beneficial to all of my roles. I look forward to what's ahead and continuing to help and develop artists along the way, you can check out more on Resolution Records here and see what's going on at Krucial Management here.

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