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Livestreams the new norm?? 🎥

Well as we are all aware the world has literally been turned upside down over the last few months... and one of the things, we in music, now have to navigate is the world of Livestreaming.

With the lockdown creating a whole new surge of musicians using online platforms to showcase their music from their homes we have seen the live industry take an unprecedented change... and it may be here to stay. With thousands of festivals having to cancel, shows taken off the bill and musicians all over the world now facing a total drought of performing Live platforms such as Facebook Live, You Tube and Instagram suddenly became the place to go for your weekly fix of Live music.

On our return to opening we were getting many enquiries from artists asking about our live-streaming services which were never really a thing before, but if you are going to do it, its worth doing it well, and we started to take bookings for small live gigs here at the studio, all recorded in real time with HD quality audio mixed on the fly, with most artists bringing a camera operator, or simply just using their I phone to stream the audio direct from our desk using the recently installed OBS software on our systems.

We have already streamed around 7 shows from the studio with viewers in UK, America, Africa and several European destinations tuning in. For now its looking like Livestreams are here to stay... so we want to help it be as good as it can for you and the viewers! For more info on our Livestreaming services mail us here

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