Welcome the GB8 40 as we head back to a favoured analogue desk!

Years ago when we first started the studios analogue was beginning to be a specialist area, though we were still holding on to the desks fitted in our live room, the Studiomaster 24 tracks. As digital became more widely used in Live and Studio use we started using digital controllers and eventually moving to a digital desk for the studio.

The QU 32 Allen and Heath desk was really well suited here in our live room with 32 channels of audio talking seamlessly to Logic for easy set up and a great sound from the desk. With the amount of live recording set ups we were doing throughout a good 3 year period this worked very well and we kinda got used to having it around.... but something was just missing 🤔. Aside from the fact you cant beat that warm analogue sound it is somewhat of a staple id for a studio when you walk in for the first time and see a big manual desk... it just makes everything seem better!
So with this in mind we had been thinking about changing back for a while now and throughout lockdown gave it serious thought, with the end result being, we are going back to a big analogue desk! With a couple of desks in mind it was fete when the Soundcraft GB8 was offered to us from a well known London studio whom we had good relations with. The 40 channel desk was perfect for our live room offering 40 mono channels of audio input all being converted into an Antelope Orion 32+ Gen 3 with the arrival of tasty pre amps en route to the studio soon. Not only will this now start to build our signature studio sound, but when you walk in to the control room you will be greeted with one of the nicest looking analogue desks around 😍
We will be adding a full studio spec to the website very soon once we have completed the latest upgrades and changes and you can check out some of our past recordings on the studio Soundcloud.